
My First Blog Post!

Hi everyone (probably no one)

This is my first ever blog post on my first ever blog (with the exception of my tumblr). I’ve started this blog in order to start living my life to the fullest. I am currently nearing the end of my schooling and going to be starting my real life within the next year and a bit. I want to really start living, trying new things, having fun, and bettering myself. I want to share this with all of you (again probably none of you right now) and maybe help out a few people along the way.

So stay tuned, I will hopefully be posting updates of my life, some tutorials, things I’ve learned, things I’m trying, etc.

Feel free to follow me here, on my Tumblr, my Pinterest, my Instagram

Thanks for reading, have a wonderful day

7 thoughts on “My First Blog Post!

  1. You picked a good platform to get started because of the community that comes with it. It takes a lot of networking to get views but I’ve noticed with WordPress if you use tag words it helps, but don’t be shocked if it is a slow process. It can take a long time to get it going.
    I spent over a year learning some dos and don’ts and have made multiple attempts. The blog I have new (about a month) is new but my traffic is regular because I network and I post almost everyday. You do not have to blog everyday to make it work, but the more you have the more people you are going to interest. My best advice would be just build up your posts to like 5 or 10 then start networking like crazy lol


  2. Welcome to the blogosphere lovely! I can’t wait to read more from you 🙂 I just followed you, it would be great if we can support each other! I hope you’ll enjoy blogging as much as we all do here ❤


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