New Project: Learning how to knit!

Hey y'all, So I have started a new project today! I am going to teach myself to knit. In the past, I have never really been into knitting. My grandma tried to teach me when I was about ten, and I started a scarf. All I knew how to do was a simple knit stitch… Continue reading New Project: Learning how to knit!


Fall Nature Photos

Hey y'all I just wanted to share some photos I took earlier this fall when I was out on a walk with my mom. These were all taken by me, at Jack Pine Nature Trail in Ottawa, in September. My favourite picture ever of a chickadee with its wings out. Leaves changing colours. Red leaves.… Continue reading Fall Nature Photos

Food & Desserts

Snack Time: Microwave Mug Brownies

So I have a serious sweet tooth. If it's not meal time, I want to be snacking on something sweet. This usually cookies or ice cream because that's what is in the house. Sometimes, when I'm weak, I'll buy candies or what not at the store and stash them in little containers around my room.… Continue reading Snack Time: Microwave Mug Brownies